How do I tell if the game is making the server lag?

Sometimes my game will lag and I always wonder if its a result of a poor connection or the server handling too many things.
I know of this menu, but I’m not sure which one to read to tell if it’s the server handling too many things.
Which one do I read?


That menu might not help, there is many other menus that can tell the game performance and other:

  • Developer Console (press F9 while in game)
  • MicroProfiler (go in-game → roblox menu → settings → MicroProfiler)
  • Performance Stats (go in-game → roblox menu → settings → Performance Stats)

hope that helps! If you have any questions in these methods, please ask me or look more into the developer hub!


Hi, sorry for the belated response. Where in the developer console would I look?

You can look into many parts of the developer console, memory and ping is where you can see what’s lagging. If memory and ping is high, it means there is lag. To check, you can look into many tabs to see what’s causing the lag like script outputs. I really highly suggest reading more into this article, and checking articles below it.

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