How do I test my game as if I were a new player with no datastore

How do I test my game as if I were a new player with no datastore?
I went to the test section, clicked start a local server with 1 player and then I was able to do it, but now when I click it to do it again, it saves all my data. How can I keep rejoining as a brand new player (for the purpose of testing) without commenting all my datastore code


this sucks, but you’ll have to do:

game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDatastore(wahtever):RemoveAsync(your id)

every time
this sucks i know. in command line btw.

local canSave = false

if canSave == true then

you could turn off the whole “access to datastore” thing while testing, which means your game wont be able to get or set anything from the datastore (its in one of the settings). Although this wont work if you still want to set the datastore


The UserId of players in test servers is 0, so if you modify your datastore code to not allow players with a UserId of 0 to get saved, they will never save. No real player would ever have a UserId of 0, so it’ll only affect testing a local server in studio.