How do i texture fur

Hello! I have some issues to replicate this material. Can anyone help me to get close to this look and how to do it. I know blender but im somewhat bad at texturing

Ive seen items with a texture that looks similar on roblox catalog but I have no idea on how to texture it and if i can do it on blender or if i need substance?

Example of how they made it on roblox image

This is how their texture looked


Google a fur texture and just slap it on the mesh. If you want PBR then I suppose you can go find one.


yeah thanks but as you see in the picture of the texture in my post it seems to be baked or sum like that

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You need substance, you can see that with the different parts. Or maybe use ibis paint, personally I use it to make textures for wig (hair with scalp) and I think you can do it with the brushes already created or create your brush.

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Use pbr textures then. There are many online fur pbr textures, so go find some.

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I did it and selected cylinder project from the front of that hat this was the result:

I think it turned out alright, but i do wish i had substance

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