so basically… i have a local script that plays animations and when they reach a certain marker they trigger a remote event that then tells the client to do stuff. recently i understood that…
yeah, thats not cutting it. puts waay too much trust on the client to either send the remoteevent on their own or play the animation when theyre not supposted to.
now, i need some help as to how i could run the function without allowing for any exploits to be done. should i, perhaps, use a remote function? or will that still open up vulnerabilities?
also the anim doees have to be looped and i should somehow tell the server script to do a function every time it loops OR stops… orr maybe i should just trust the client with the animation?.
soo… please help.
-i currently dont have a script done soo yeah
-if something isnt understandable (im sure that will happen) please clarify it.
the animation is like an attack with animation events. its looped so im making it so that when you start your left mouse input it starts the animation and ends the animation when the input ends. while its still pressed, it would make hitboxes or hitscans i guess. i wouldnt like it to be server side because that would inconvenience the player by making it a bit delayed
i really gotta go now so ill probably check on the post tommorow thanks for the reply anywayy!!