How do I turn this bytecode in my script to real letters?

So I have found this a few times before and I was wondering what it is and how I could turn these odd characters into letters. This is my second post so correct me if I got anything wrong.

So first off if you print this set of bytecode it will say "Print(“Hello World!”) into the output giving you real letters which is what I want.


Now if you print this into a script it will give you strange characters in the output.


I really want to know if there’s a way to turn these strange characters into letters or if you have some type of chart that could tell me which numbers = which letters, thanks.


Thank you but I still have a question, what do those odd characters mean in this script? I couldn’t find anything on them.

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The backslash before the number indicate they are typing the numeric code for symbols rather then raw numbers. I would tell you the technical name for this but i forgor :skull:

So these characters don’t really do anything?

There most likely is some use case for this I’m just not a good enough programmer to of found one yet.

Thank you, I’ll try and do some more research on them if I can find any.

In Lua the general term for the backslash is the escape character. It lets you use special text characters such as \n (new-line) & \t (tab). Here’s the list of special characters given in the Lua PIL:


In this case, however, it allows you to use ASCII characters using only their corresponding ASCII code. ASCII codes are represented as unsigned char values, which range from 0-255, & is why values such as \-1 or \256 are not possible to be used. In this sense, it’s a near shorthand equivalent of calling string.char on a given ASCII value.

For reference, here’s the full list of ASCII values 0 thru 255, which is what I think @temporaryacount101 originally asked for in their post.

Thanks @mew903, this will help a lot. Would you like the solution or would you like @wf_sh to keep it? I also remember meeting you in your own game and never expected to see you again haha.

Not to be annoying, but that’s not bytecode. Those are charcodes.