How do I turn this team create thing off?

I had this team create thing on so my friend could help in studio but I thik it might be messing up my scripts . Can someone tell me how to turn it off?


Go to Game Settings and then go to Permissions. Change your friend’s permissions to none and turn off Team Create.

I have done that but it still has this weird (Mioxity Editing) next to all my scripts , and that was not there before I turned team create on

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Turn off Collaborative Editing

How do I turn it off? (Too short msg)

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Its in Game Settings

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It is already switched off.

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Try saving and then restarting studio

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I’m having this problem with a game I created on April 12th. As of yesterday (I don’t remember it happening before that), it insists on making me use this “feature”. I’m the only person working on this game and don’t need or want this. Settings says Collaborative Editing is turned off, and yet it forces me to connect online to edit it, which is not great for a variety of reasons. I want to be able to publish whenever I personally want and not have my changes happen in real time.

I’ve tried turning the setting on and off in the Game Settings in studio, but nothing.

Update: Ok I just figured out the reason it’s happening is that Team Create is enabled by default on new places published in studio:

I still don’t know how to fix it, though, that option doesn’t seem to be available in settings.


I can’t find that page. How do you get there


@BlueIites - as of October 2022, you need to go to the view tab in Roblox Studio and click the team create button:
Once the team create panel opens, find the three buttons on the bottom right and click Disable team create.
Hope this helped! :wave:


Thanks that did help!, i don’t know why roblox forcing team create my game went on team create automatically


For those reading in 2023, the issue is that when you publish an experience, Team Create is automatically turned on unless toggled off on the creation menu. However, when you access Game Settings within Studio, “Enable Collaborative Editing” is still off.

JaxsonRox1’s method is still viable.


Oh my god man thank you so much. I thought I wouldn’t be able to find help since it was an old post.

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Thanks so much for this! The constant, frequent disconnections every single time I would edit were getting really annoying!

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Instead of it being a option it’s automatically turned on. Typical dumb roblox!

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Wow, that’s an astoundingly well-hidden setting!

I was getting this error repeatedly, and in my Settings > Other there wasn’t even an ‘Collaborative Sharing’ checkbox (as seen in this thread) - I checked all other Settings pages too. @JaxsonRox1’s answer seems to be the true way to turn this off.

Hopefully this will mean Studio is a bit more stable and a bit less sensitive to whatever-about-my-internet-connection that it’s sensitive about. This error also results in it kicking me out of Studio, and when I click ‘retry’, very annoyingly it opens another copy of Studio.


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This is causing me HAVOC. WHY is it impossible to turn this setting off? IT KEEPS REFRESHING MY STUDIO. I cannot get anything done in the already chaotic Roblox developer experience. I published a new game from a template, immediately regretting publishing it because I did it before I could turn the stupid automatically enabled “Team Create :yum:” setting OFF.

It should not be this hard to find a simple setting/enable disable button to turn Collaborations off. I turned it off via Collaborations window (the one with the teeny tiny three dots at the bottom right corner), and a couple seconds of being at the home Roblox studio page, it reopens the game without Collaborations and then a few seconds later it closes the game again, REOPENS with Collaborations enabled.