How do i unwrap my texture without moving the position of the texture

When i unwrap the tshirt becomes smaller


but if i dont unwrap it doesnt fit the image


how do i fix this?

Ive been looking at blender unwrapping and I think there is a way to look at the u menu. You can highlight and use s to scale and g to move the UV vertices back into place. Not a totally good solution

In the u hotkey there is a way to make seams (or ctrl + e) to mark them out so then you unwrap it may do it more to what you are wanting.

it still streches when i unwrap it even if i mark it as seams

The only way to do this is to bake the current textures to a new UV map.

1: In the Object Data Properties panel in Properties Editor, open the “UV Maps” submenu and click the “+” button to creation a new UV map and call it something like “BakeUV”

2: In the Shader Editor, add in a “UV Map” node and set it to be the “BakeUV” map.

3: Add in an “Image Texture” node and press “New” instead of open. Set the name to something like “BakedTexture” and both the width and height to 1024. Plug the output of the UV Map node into the Vector input of the Image Texture node.

4: In the UV Editor, change the Active UV Layer to be the “BakeUV” map and edit your UVs so they fit the box.

5: Change the Active UV Layer back to what it was by going back to the UV Maps submenu in the Object Data Properties panel and making sure that your original UV map has the camera icon highlighted.

6: Select the Image Texture node that you created and then in the Render Properties panel in the Properties Editor, open the Bake submenu.
Change the Bake Type to “Diffuse”.
Disable the “Direct” and “Indirect” checkboxes in the “influence” section.
And change the Margin to 4px in the Output section, then press Bake.

7: Success! Save the new texture and you should be good to go!

Let me know if you run into any issues. Good luck! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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