That’s what I was talking about, there’s a filter that is probably broken atm. It doesn’t tag in bubble but everywhere else it will.
I’ve heard of it too. Roblox filters are down for some reasons. I will check if i can say some in-accurate words in my game
Well, I’m not sure there’s another definition on what Filter, in the email means. But go on, explain.
Plus, if you could actually do that with a tick of a checkbox, Roblox would smack you into next week. It doesn’t make any sense.
I think the bot is stupid to realize that their own chat filter isn’t working as intended
@SirRetroGuy I hate to be blunt, but if you don’t know what you’re talking about, please zip your mouth (or keyboard). Otherwise, you’re just spreading misinformation or even lies.
@Maxwell_Edison According to this Roblox staff, it will be solved in the next week (which is a very long time to wait, since the players of your game won’t be able to access your game for a long time AND they’ll probably start to move on to other games which is bad for the dev).
This is fully client sided, nobody else sees this,
I am aware. This still might’ve caused Roblox to ban the game.