How do I upload animations myself

So I’m using a gun system with animations that don’t work, the developers are telling me to upload the animations myself; I don’t know how to do so. I’d like if someone could help me here.

I’m not sure how to upload the animations myself to my group. I have to change the ids but very time I save it too roblox it becomes a model and I get the same id the creator used.

I’ve tried saving them to roblox but it would just turn into a model and give me the same id the creator used but I have to make them myself with my ids.

Please help cause right now I can’t find nothing that could help me.

if u need more screenshots ill send more

right now i dont know what im doing :man_shrugging:

So roblox doesn’t allow users that are not animation’s owners to use them what those people said is that you need to get the keyframes of that animation and publish it to roblox

How do I get the keyframes???

@100richest You can use this little script, run it in the commands bar:

game.InsertService:LoadAsset(AnimationId).Parent = game.Workspace

This is a process that can be done with roblox studio vanilla services so it is legit but i wouldn’t reccomend doing this

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im so lost right now, what does this script do?

i cant use animations cause i dont own them

The script loads the animation model in the game so if you get those keyframes and upload them as a new animation you will be able to use it

so i just run the script and ill get the animations?

right now im trying to contact the developers

Wait i’m sorry i was wrong you can use that code only if you own the asset. Soo…the only way to get the keyframes is to ask the owner to give them to you…

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Do you have the animations in your game already? If not, tell your developers to give it to you. Once you have them, go to the Animation Editor plugin and select the dummies with the animations. After that, you can upload them by yourself in the animation editor. You do not have to edit any keyframes.