(Sorry this might be in the wrong category but it first came to mind, let me know if it is and I’ll do something about it )
Hello there! I’m uploading skins into my game and each image show represent each skin you have but I’m running into a bit of a pickle with these images as they’re just showing up as blank:
I’ve been thinking about it lately and now I’ve noticed the problem (hopefully), below is a decal I uploaded and if you can see it says “Type” to the right of the image and its type is “Decal”:
Below is one my developer upload and the only difference is that its type is “Image”:
I’m wondering how he has done this and have asked him but he’s offline for a fair while and I just want an answer as soon as possible. Any suggestions how I can get it to be like his upload?
Every decal uploaded to Roblox has two versions.
A “Decal” type & an “Image” type.
The ones you’re seeing as “blank” either have a broken thumbnail or were mdoerated.
As you can see here though, here is the same picture as a Decal & as an Image.
Notice that the number for the image is lower than the decal. This is on purpose. When you put the decal link into a decal object in Studio, the image link will come up instead, as that is the actual asset.
When I try applying the decal id to an image label of an object the image doesn’t show, however the other one does show. How do I get it so when I upload an icon its type is image? Or maybe I do not quite understand correctly and need further explaining
When you upload something as a decal on the website, it uploads as both an Image & a decal.
When you insert a decal from the toolbox, the link inside the “Decal” object you insert into the workspace, is the image type link.
Ah I got it now! Thanks a lot for your guidance
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You’re welcome. If this has helped you understand your exact request, remember to mark the answer as a solution so others know that your question has been answered!
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