How do I upload decal being type image?

(Sorry this might be in the wrong category but it first came to mind, let me know if it is and I’ll do something about it :slight_smile:)

Hello there! I’m uploading skins into my game and each image show represent each skin you have but I’m running into a bit of a pickle with these images as they’re just showing up as blank:

I’ve been thinking about it lately and now I’ve noticed the problem (hopefully), below is a decal I uploaded and if you can see it says “Type” to the right of the image and its type is “Decal”:

Below is one my developer upload and the only difference is that its type is “Image”:

I’m wondering how he has done this and have asked him but he’s offline for a fair while and I just want an answer as soon as possible. Any suggestions how I can get it to be like his upload?

Every decal uploaded to Roblox has two versions.

A “Decal” type & an “Image” type.
The ones you’re seeing as “blank” either have a broken thumbnail or were mdoerated.

As you can see here though, here is the same picture as a Decal & as an Image.

Notice that the number for the image is lower than the decal. This is on purpose. When you put the decal link into a decal object in Studio, the image link will come up instead, as that is the actual asset.


When I try applying the decal id to an image label of an object the image doesn’t show, however the other one does show. How do I get it so when I upload an icon its type is image? Or maybe I do not quite understand correctly and need further explaining

When you upload something as a decal on the website, it uploads as both an Image & a decal.

When you insert a decal from the toolbox, the link inside the “Decal” object you insert into the workspace, is the image type link.


Ah I got it now! Thanks a lot for your guidance :slight_smile:

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You’re welcome. If this has helped you understand your exact request, remember to mark the answer as a solution so others know that your question has been answered!

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