How do I use alignOrientation to mimic CFrame.LookAt?

Basically, I just need this because (currently) I’m using MoveTo for my NPCS Movement. The NPC is like an enemy in an RPG game, and I need it to sort of lock on to the player if that makes any sense. I don’t wanna use the Humanoid.AutoRotate feature since I have the NPC stopping a certain distance away from the player, which can result in it running backwards, however I want like backwards running, backstepping of sorts.

CFrame.LookAt works but it’s dependent on refresh rate, and I think physics in general just looks smoother. Any way to use alignOrientation to mimic CFrame.LookAt?

If you do the single attachment option, the angle you want is

local dir = (playerPos - npcPos)
local angle = math.deg(math.atan2(dir.Z, dir.X))

You probably need to do this every other frame or so.
You can use RunService to run it frame-based.

Where should I plug the angle variable into

Align orientation Y value