How Do I use Color Correction to make my whole world black but only red shows through?

How Do I use Color Correction to make my whole world black but only red shows through?

Kinda like the first photo but any part coloured red will show through?


You can’t do this with the basic Roblox lighting tools. You would need to use scripts.


oof. know any way how? ima bit confused

I’m not a programmer, so I wouldn’t know. :frowning:

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Thank you for all you help! I really appreciate it! Time to go find out how to scsript that1!

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Change the TintColor property in ColorCorrection

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Ah yes ive tried but that changes the whole screen.

I’m not good with color correction, so I can’t help you.

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As the people above have said, it’s not possible without scripts, however I will try my best to help with it.

Thankfully, Roblox allows us to change the hue without affecting saturation or brightness with some built-in functions. We can take advantage of this by removing the green and blue out of the part’s colour and then re-applying it, maintaining the saturation and brightness.

for i,part in pairs(workspace:GetDescendants()) do 
	if part:IsA('BasePart') then 
		local currentColour = part.Color
		local hue, saturation, value = Color3.toHSV(currentColour) -- We need the saturation and value (brightness) to apply it to the new color3
		local newColour = Color3.fromRGB(currentColour.R, 0, 0) -- Remove the green and blue by creating a new Color3
		local newHue = Color3.toHSV(newColour) -- We only need the hue (the first value)
		local newHSV = Color3.fromHSV(newHue, saturation, value) -- Construct the new HSV using the hue after we removed the green and blue
		part.Color = newHSV -- Finally, apply the new Color3 to the Color property of the part.