How do I use GetAppliedDescription()

I’m tryna make an outfit game, and the outfits don’t show on the dummy, I was told to use GetAppliedDescription or ApplyDescriptionReset(), but I don’t know how to use them because, I just started scripting like a month or so ago, please help me.
Thx in advance.

If you’re trying to apply an avatar/outfit on a dummy you needs a HumanoidDescription(Which you get from GetAppliedDescription) first and then do Humanoid:ApplyDescription() or ApplyDescriptionReset with the HumanoidDescription to it.
ex: DummyCharacter.Humanoid:ApplyDescription(HumanoidDescription)
In a single code with GetAppliedDescription example: DummyCharacter.Humanoid:ApplyDescription(CharacterToGet.Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription())
Check doc on Humanoid and ApplyDescription method
You can also get HumanoidDescription from userid via: game:GetService("Players"):GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userid)
Each Humanoid should have a HumanoidDescription you can copy(If it was apply correctly)
If it doesn’t work you can share your code and I’ll check to see if anything wrong.

As I’m not a scripter I’m still confused on what you are trying to tell me. How do I write this code out, either I’m just tired cause I didn’t get any sleep or I’m just slow.

Somewhere likes this.

local DummyCharacter = --The dummy to change outfit.
local CharacterToGet = --The character model to get the outfit.

You can save HumanoidDescription of your desired outfit/avatar inside a folder somewhere of ReplicatedStorage or ServerStorage
Edit: You can try to use a plugin to get the outfit/character instead.
Using Rig Builder to generate my avatar and a block avatar.

local DummyCharacter = workspace.DummyRig
local CharacterToGet = workspace.Rig

When run it should changed the dummy to be similar because I used my avatar as the HumanoidDescription.
If you likes to get the description(for customization in studio) use something similar to this in Command Bar.
workspace.Rig.Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription().Parent = game.ReplicatedStorage
Rename it so it easier to remember.

im not trying to put a persons avatar onto a character, im just trying to use the characters humanoidDescription, its like those avatar outfit idea games. Im just trying to get the outfit onto the character through his own humanoidDescription.
idk if that made sense, i need to sleep.

i feel liked im not understanding right, ill be back, imma take a break

Here is an example of how to use

		local Humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
		local CurrentDescription = Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()

		CurrentDescription.Head = 0
		CurrentDescription.Torso = 0
		CurrentDescription.LeftArm = 0
		CurrentDescription.RightArm = 0
		CurrentDescription.LeftLeg = 0
		CurrentDescription.RightLeg = 0

didnt work.

local character = script.Parent
local Humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
local CurrentDescription = Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()

CurrentDescription.Head = 15093053680
CurrentDescription.Torso = 15171203767
CurrentDescription.LeftArm = 15171203766
CurrentDescription.RightArm = 15171203759
CurrentDescription.LeftLeg = 15171203730
CurrentDescription.RightLeg = 139607718
CurrentDescription.HatAccessory = 15457719966
CurrentDescription.HairAccessory = 13050565526 and 17280209659
CurrentDescription.FrontAccessory = 16083206556
CurrentDescription.Shirt = 6654767326
CurrentDescription.Pants = 8501954130

Does anyone know how to help


local DummyCharacter = --[Your Dummy Character]
local CharacterToGet = --[Your Character Model]

local description = CharacterToGet.Humanoid:GetAppliedDescription()

For ApplyDescriptionReset()

local DummyCharacter = --[Your Dummy Character]
local description = --[Your HumanoidDescription]


Just replace the placeholders with your actual character and description references.


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