I have a question. I know about the existence of metatables, but I don’t know:
- How to use them
- Where should I apply them
If you can answer one or both of these questions, that would help me quite a lot!
I have a question. I know about the existence of metatables, but I don’t know:
If you can answer one or both of these questions, that would help me quite a lot!
Metatables give more functionality to a regular table. Metatables take one table and merge/connect it with a regular table.
Metatables use Metamethods.
__index is a popular one, in a metatable, it would look like this:
local meta = {
__index = function(t, i)
__index is fired when a table gets indexed, but the index was nil.
In order to connect a metatable to a table, you need to use setmetatable(table, table)
Here is an example:
local meta = {
__index = function(t, i)
print("index was nil! " .. tostring(i))
local regular_table = {5,2,1}
setmetatable(regular_table, meta)
print(regular_table[3]) -- > 1
print(regular_table[5]) -- > "index was nil! 5
print(regular_table[1]) -- > 5
Here is the documentations, with other metamethods.
Sorry for asking, what is
really mean?
Also, you didn’t really explain why I should use them over just a function…
It’s a metamethod, a popular one. (I used it for that example).
is a function that fires when a table gets indexed, but that index is nil/doesn’t exist, and nothing is set there.
So is it for error prevention? Or am I missing something here?
They give tables more functionality, and there is more metamethods than just __index.
It can also be used in Object Orientated Programming, here is a screenshot of the metamethods:
Technically, yes.
Although it can be used for other stuff.
I can’t think of any use cases for this. Could you provide an example?
local tab = {}
local latest_player = nil
setmetatable(tab, {
__newindex = function(s, i, v)
if v.ClassName == "Player" then
latest_player = v
tab[(#tab + 1)] = p
if latest_player ~= nil then
-- do stuff with the latest player
Although there is other cases you can use it, it depends on the way you use it.
A big one with a metamethod is __call
This might sound crazy, but it’s a method anyway; you can call tables as functions.