How do i use my drawn video in game

i have a gui thats supposed to play a cutscene i drew out

how do i play the video on the gui? i have every frame for it if thats useful

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Well, Roblox doesn’t support custom-made Videos for now, so your only options now are to upload each of these frames and loop through each frame to make a “video” (can be taxing on the game), or recreate this video on Roblox with animations, to make into a cutscene

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well now i have the issue that my images arent even showing up, might just be a me problem tho

i tried putting a couple frame ids into a table and using renderstepped to run through them and the images arent showing up

Maybe moderation is still reviewing your images? Might have to wait it out if that’s the case

alright, if it eventually works ill mark it as solution

no the images are done with moderation, the gui is just not showing them

Could you perhaps show how you’re displaying these images on your GUI? Maybe the Script that controls the GUI?

it just clones the frame i want into a gui and destroys the last one

??? VideoFrame | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry @JustChillForIt ! When I first saw the Video Marketplace, I was under the impression that only specifically-chosen Roblox videos could be uploaded, and didn’t consider that users are able to upload videos privately. I apologise on my end for not doing enough research with this, thanks @SirDerpsAlot83 for pointing out this error on my end!

P.S. Video uploads have a fee, from what I can see. If you want to go free, you’ll have to stick to uploading multiple decals to form your video

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i did upload the decals, im trying to use RenderStepped to pick which frame to display but it just displays the imagelabel’s background color rather than the frame, making my whole screen just go black

I can’t really see what may be causing the issue by just the snippet of code you have provided. Can you show the hierarchy of your GUIs and script on your game explorer?

it fires a remote to a client
client clones the gui inside it
cycles through all frames using renderstepped
clones the frame needed and puts it into the gui
destroys the last frame that was inside the gui

Hierarchy of your game explorer, like in which order do you place your frames and GUIs on your game Explorer.
