do you need to use pcall() in: “for i, player in pairs(Players:GetPlayers())”
I’m attempting to make every second, it loops through the players and makes changes to a random body part,
I’m worried about getting an error when trying to reference a player that left the game and no longer exists.
I remember reading about pcall() to protect the script from errors, I was wondering if this is an issue I need to worry about
How pcall() how
And my question on Pcall() is how do I use this?
From what I understand you first make local variables like this
local SuccessYesOrNo, ErrorMessage = pcall()
but what I don’t understand is what I put inside the parenthesis and how to format it.
The way Roblox Lua works is such that if it exists it won’t suddenly not exist while you still have reference to it, and especially not if you don’t yield at all in that block - your entire code up until the next yield will run before their parts get removed.
for _, player in ipairs( game.Players:GetPlayers() ) do
if player.Character and player.Character:IsDescendantOf( game.Workspace ) then
local arm = player.Character:FindFirstChild( 'Arm' )
if arm then
arm.Color =
That entire block will run non-stop without any yielding. If a player left in the middle of that loop, it would not break as nothing would be removed from the game until that block had finished. It’s just the way the task scheduler runs. Each “thread” in RBXLua will run until it yields, then essentially hand over processing control to the next thread that’s waiting.
That would be highly unlikely as scripts run so fast, make sure you don’t have waits. Additionally you could check if the part you want to change exists before changing it.
Unless you use a wait somewhere I sincerely doubt the person can EVER leave within the time frame of the code being executed. But here is an example on how pcalls work.
local Success, ReturnedValue = pcall(function()
return "test"
if not Success then -- CODE ERRORED
print(ReturnedValue) -- Prints the error
print(ReturnedValue) -- This prints "test