I saw this game called ☃️Survive and Kill the Killers in Area 51 !!! - Roblox and I’m curious how they use “Speedrun API”, https://www.speedrun.com/ has there own API. I was able to find out how to tell if the user Exists using the PFP Size, but how would I use the auth token to log a player in to get access to certain features. Why I’m asking is because I’m recreating an older version of the game I linked, and I thought why not add this feature, even though this is new, it will still add more potential.
Heres the code I used to reference with PFP Size:
local Data = game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("https://www.speedrun.com/api/v1/users?lookup=Autoimi")
local LuaData = game:GetService("HttpService"):JSONDecode(Data)
if LuaData.pagination.size == 0 then
17:29:04.584 Unable to cast Dictionary to bool - Server - SpeedrunAPI:1
17:29:04.584 Script 'ServerScriptService.SpeedrunAPI', Line 1 - Studio - SpeedrunAPI:1
I have now made some _G functions to handle using the API. All examples can be found here: Speedrun API - Roblox, of course its in version 1, so it doesn’t have Saving API Data, but that will come soon, and that’s when I’ll make my DevForum post about it, give me some tips, and feedback!