How Do I Use The Friend Request GUI For Things Other Than Friend Requests?

Hello. I noticed that some games have prompts that look similar to the prompt you get for receiving a friend request, except with different buttons. I think there was a Monopoly parody game where they used this to send you an invite to a lobby. How could I recreate this? Is this an API, or something re-created from scratch?

To clarify, I am talking about the thing that appears in the bottom-right of your screen when someone sends you a friend request or accepts your request.

Ok I moved to #help-and-feedback:scripting-support, is that better?

It’s a fork from the GUI most likely. You can copy it from CoreGui and then make the changes you need.


It’s the notification API

Look for “SendNotification”


Oh so that’s what OP meant! I thought they were talking about the “Invite Friends” prompt.

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Nah, I already worked out the Invite Friends thing. Thanks for trying though! :smiley: