How do I use the Microprofiler?

Hello everyone, I am working on a game, however, after a certain period of time, my frames per second begins to drop. I’ve tried reducing the ClientMemory by cleaning up my code and reducing the number of unnecessary meshes & parts used, however, it only made a small difference.

After doing a lot of research on the Developer Forum, I saw that people used the Microprofiler which I have little to no understanding about it.

If anyone can let me know how to use the Microprofiler and what it does, I would really appreciate it.
Keep in mind, I am looking for what causes framerate drops.

Thank you! (FYI this is my first post on the dev forum!)

I almost never use it, but this could help: Using MicroProfiler | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

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I feel dumb now, I looked all over the Developer Forum however, I haven’t thought once to use the Developer Hub! Thank you!

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The Micro Profiler is used for game developers/makers to spectate the clients performance on the game. Lots of developers use it to reduce lag, backdoors or any sort of bugs. Welcome to the developer forum as well! :smile:

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