How do i use the new Generative AI?

This feature is much like the Openai coding assistant, Github co-pilot, which was trained with a much larger and refined data set of code. I wouldn’t expect this AI to create entire games any time soon (or possibly ever), but you can rather look at it as a faster way to creating the building blocks of your code base.


When openAI released chatGPT. it took them a while to train the AI to respond to complex questions, the same goes to IBM watson.

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one thing to know is that it currently uses code from content in the toolbox which are bad practice

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Yeah I noticed that too, I even found it trying to copy a Roblox model directly.

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Frankly at times I even found Github co-pilot to work better then the Roblox AI when it comes to general use in Roblox Studio.

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Has anyone been able to get this AI to work at all? It’s not printing anything and I have enabled it in beta and published my game

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After restarting many times, doing clean uninstall on roblox studio, it started working randomly.

I got it working at before yesterday night

AI servers are down as far as I know. Been getting a lot of complaints in my youtube comments section too, it’s the servers that are down. Material generator works, but unfortunately not code completion :frowning:

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I went to check your video and you are right…

please link my topic in the description :slight_smile:

also sometimes AI doesn’t work, the material one is longer than expected


Yes, it does. You just need to add a few defined functions before you put it.
I recommend @VSCPlays marks this as solution because it worked for me and another few people.

This is an old issue, I got it working but I didn’t mark anything as a solution so the 14-day auto lock doesn’t happen

Hey, how did you make it work? It’s from this morning that I am trying to generate a code but the ai just ddoesn’t generate anything, yesterday it’d work for me

after coming back home from going out before, it automatically updated studio, I went to a published game and found the agreements, I accepted and restarted studio and it worked, read the instructons by @DecentAgent for better explaination :slight_smile:

I ran into this problem so I looked it up but everything I found didn’t work. But as I was messing around with it I figured out that if you pass a variable first and make a comment related to it, the generative ai works.

Without variables

With variables

I’m not completely sure why that is but I hope this helps you.

no, the AI grabs content from the toolbox which are bad practice


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