How do i use the shopping cart?

Hello, I wanted to buy some stuff on the roblox market place (Catalog) and for some reason the shopping cart doesn’t work?

So, Whenever i press it, The icon appears and the page just goes blank…
(Talking about the image button)

Before pressing:

After pressing:

I was just wondering what i’d do right now…


I am wondering if the extension you have may be causing this issue. You can also try clearing your cookies.

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I tried using it without exstentions and that didn’t work, Same for the cookies.

Maybe you have way too many items in your cart and its just bugging out. You can also try using another device/account and add a couple of items to see if that would work.

Why would they make a function that only works 1/10th of the time…

I have no issues with it. Have you tried what I suggested?

Yes i have tried that, It still has the same problem…

What browser are you using? I would recommend Google Chrome if you don’t already use it. Also what device is this issue occurring on?

Im using chrome with windows 10 and 11, Bug is on both devices. It also happens with the roblox app on both devices and on my phone. (On all devices tested with seperate accounts)

I wonder if it has to do with the network or something as this is extremely odd. Or maybe the country you’re in doesn’t allow that feature (I am not aware of any country that wouldn’t allow this feature tho)

I would contact Roblox support and ask them. If this feature is important for you I would recommend in the meantime using Catalog Avatar Creator. It has a shopping cart feature. Catalog Avatar Creator Game --Roblox

I’ve just tried with my mobile roaming and a vpn (On dekstop and mobile) and it doesn’t work…


Did you get it working because the same issue is happening with me too, I have like 230 items in my cart and I do not want to buy all of them seperatly.

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