How do i use vscode code on roblox (without rojo)

i wanted to hook up vscode to roblox and tried rojo but it doesnt work. i dont really want to download 7 different things just to run it. is there another method besides rojo? can anyone help?

You need rojo! It isnt possible to use VSC without rojo

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You just need to install cargo, and then run rojo serve on the command line.

Alternatively, you can use the VSCode extension.

You will need Rojo and it should work. Did you forget to set the environment variables (assuming that you are on Windows)?

Yes, there are probably other ways to use external editors, but Rojo allows you to work with other third party tools like TestEz, Knit and roblox-ts.

You can make your own web APIs in say c#, then a plugin that will import file contents into scripts. That sort of thing.

Welcome to programming! Where everything requires git, npm, pip, and two different CLIs. They’re not difficult to install and they’ll help you if you ever do programming outside of Roblox. Probably best to just bite the bullet.
We get used to skimming through installation guides and stuff, the key here is to read everything in full. Be patient.


im asking here because i tried getting all the stuff and it didnt work. Roblox Development in Visual Studio Code | by OverHash | Medium this what tried

i had that stuff. it doesnt connect to studio.

You need the roblox plugin (there are different plugins for different versions).

i had that to. still wouldnt connect.

ive seen someone whos done it without rojo. i dont remember theyre name though.

What’s the error? You are providing little information about your issue, making it difficult to debug.

i the entire game export with the script ran all the stuff it said to. but all the text it script was wierd symbols and stuff.

heres what it was.

i named the script work. anyways, is this fixable?

VSCode or any other script editor can’t read rbxl files. Only Roblox Engine can read them. It is 100% normal that the file looks like this in the VScode.

then how wouldi fix it? if its unable to read the files how are people using vscode with roblox?

Rbxl file is file generated by Rojo so you can publish the game, open it in studio etc. All scripts, stuff go to src directory and then you generate this file to publish the game to roblox. You can also use rojo serve & the plugin in studio to live stream the code from VSCode to the game.

im confused. you dont need rojo to get an rbxl. you can just save a copy of the game to your pc and itll export as rbxl. and what do you mean stream code?

Here’s an example of how Rojo works.

First, you need the Rojo extension on VSCode and the Rojo plugin.
Next, you need a “default.project.json”. You can make your own, or what I use, rbxlx-to-rojo. Link:
Then, you press ctrl+shift+p and type in “Rojo”. You should find “Rojo: Start server with project file…”.
You click it and press the first option. Then, go into studio, open the “Rojo” plugin, and press “Connect”. Then you can edit your scripts virtually. I would recommend getting some plugins, like TabNine and Roblox LSP.
Edit: I would also look at the rojo docs. Link:

the rbxl to rojo is just a bunch of random files. theres nothing in it to run.