How do make gear tilt?

Hello developers, I am trying to make a gear tilt for my plane, however, Roblox has since changed how constraints work, and there are no up to date tutorials on it, is anyone able to tell me how its done?


hmm, I’m curious as to how that works myself.

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Constraints are a powerful tool, if not confusing at times. As someone who has a lot of experience with them, I would say potentially look at the design for the actual plane. It may be some sort of hydraulic which you could replicate with linear constraints. I might be able to mock up a design in Studio for you.

If you can that’d be great, as i’m not the best at Contraints.

LandingGear.rbxl (38.1 KB)
This is the place file for the landing gear I made.
Transparent parts mean they shouldn’t be necessary for operation.

The red part above the landing gear is just for testing, by changing the prismatic constraint it is parented to you can test it (setting it to motor and changing the maxforce and speed values).

There are 2 springs throughout the gear, you may have to tweak their values to work for you.

Let me know if you have any questions.

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Hello, so basically it worked Brilliantly, however when I tried to test it out on a CM32 planekit, it broke. How could I combat this?

I’m not familiar with the CM32 planekit. What was the problem exactly?

It didnt seem to tilt, like it did previously.

Make sure you attach it to the plane by the top transparent cylinder, and nothing else.