How do my computers look?

i made the computers below roughly a week ago. i cant help but feel something is missing and would like to receive feedback on how i can improve what i currently have

thank you :slight_smile:


There good
Howโ€™d you make them did you use blender?

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no, i used studio. tried using blender, but i cant

Hey. They look fantastic. The only thing you could do is label the keys. (QWERTY etc.)


The monitor kinda looks like a microwave. And try to label the keys.


Looks really great. Brings back memories!

If you trying to go for an Apple IIe type computer heres a link: Apple IIe - Wikipedia
The plastic was light beige, the screens were a bit bigger, and the keyboard, monitor & the disk drive components were all the same width.
Also I donโ€™t see any cords.

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will do! i definitely wanted to add some but neglected to do so until now

LOLOLOLOLOLOL Wow a microwave!!!Thats pretty true though

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