There are many battlegrounds type games, such as (the original one, if I’m not mistaken) The Strongest Battlegrounds, Z Battlegrounds, Chainsawman Battlegrounds, etc. I noticed that they are all based on ABA.
How do these games be made? Is there a copy or a leaked file that they are starting with? They all seem so similar, that it’s hard for me to believe that they each are made from scratch.
Thank you! I did look into it, and I found that they were all owned by different people and groups. I even checked the groups too. ONE THING that I DID find, was that most of them only had ONE developer kind of suspicious, if you have such a big game and only one developer. Makes me think it was a copy.
There probably is a leaked copy somewhere out there, then again roblox developer quality has been becoming alot better, so perhaps these guys over the summer just cooked.
even if there is a leaked ABA Copy, I doubt they’d want to modify it that much, as most battlegrounds game have different combat system looks.