How do people make 3x Chance gamepasses?

So i had the urge to play The Stalker: Reborn
i clicked gamepasses and noticed that it have a 3x Chance to be the Stalker Gamepass

Gamepasses with boost chances

The Stalker: Reborn 3x Stalker Chance Gamepass

Piggy x2 Piggy Chance

Since im making a game right now with a monster controlled by the player similar to The Stalker
i have a Monster picker system that uses math.random to select a random player
but how can i make it so player with a 2x gamepass get pick more often than the other people without the gamepass?

How can i make this gamepass?
im just asking how people do it


I’m not completely sure but my guess would be that every player has a “chance” value to the the Stalker and if you buy the gamepass it boosts that value.


I guess first they do game.Players:GetPlayers() then loop through the players to see which one has the gamepass and add their player again to the table so they have x2 (or x3) chance to then choose a random player of that table.