How do "Places" work for games with in-game lobbies

I have not really played around with roblox places that much, but for this project im working on, I will need it so it sends you to a map.

The question I have is, if I wanted to have a 1 player game, 2 player, all the way to a 4 player game, will I need to duplicate the same map 4 times and set the max player limit to its respective amount on each place
Or is there a more efficient way (im hoping), instead of creating 4 of the same map

If anyone could answer that would really help thanks.

You could probably use a 4 player place (or whatever max amount you want) for everything.

In the main place, setup whatever lobbies you want [1, 2, 4, etc], then when 1 room is full, lets say 2 players, you can teleport the room / party into the max player place. As long as others cant join the server after the games already started, it should work fine.

If your gameplay is different per how many players are in the game, you can send data with the teleport that tells the secondary place how many players are supposed to be there.