How do popular Roblox games managed to have little lag even if the games look like it’s full of meshes, parts, unions, scripts? Please tell me any suggestions and tips Thanks!
I could be wrong here, but this is what I remember when I used to optimize my own games.
As far as I know, scripts can be optimized to provide less load to the server and the client, which reduces lag. As with part count, I assume they had to reduce it as much as they can, which is where meshes and unions come into play.
They probably don’t use many unions but meshes, if the loading time takes a while it means that meshes are in play. I would also assume smart scripting is also done through avoiding beginner traps like excessive use of loops and only executing when something is supposed to happen.
OK thank you for the feedback!
I would assume there a lot of objects going in and out of ServerStorage, and scripts used to minimize load to the server and client. Also, the object count would have probably lessened with meshes and unions. I hope this helped!
Well, since they want to make their games as performance-friendly as possible, I reckon that they’ve tried reducing the part count. When you use meshes, they tend to prevent lag (3d modeling an entire medieval house for instance) whereas if you used normal parts (ex: using 55 parts to make a medieval house) it would tend to lag more. I’m not a scripter but I believe scripts can be made so there’s less to load, thus saving memory and improving performance. Correct me if I’m wrong here.
(post marked for deletion for privacy reasons)