How do tower defense games do their clothing?

so something i’ve noticed is that games like tower defense simulator, tower blitz and basically every tower defense game that has clothing on their characters have very very similar looking clothing, its 3d clothing and i am just kind of wondering how they do it.

I think the best example would be tower blitz, it looks like this:
so if anyone knows how this is done that would be nice, i am not a modeler


They use a 3D modeling software to model them.


I’m guessing this is a model, not a player since you have a picture in studio.
As @Crazedbrick1 said, it’s a Mesh, so the builder can make it any way they want to.


yeah i know they are meshes made in blender, but i was wondering if there was a specific thing they were doing like blender cloth or something because as i said they look the same in every tower defense game

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It looks like they just bevel a block and smooth shade it.


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