How do tower defense games hold assets like towers/enemies?
My guess is they either use insertservice or just have everything inside of serverstorage/replicatedstorage
also, is InsertService reliable? asking because I might just use that
How do tower defense games hold assets like towers/enemies?
also, is InsertService reliable? asking because I might just use that
I’m almost certain in serverstorage, that’s what I used when I made a small tds system.
maybe but im thinking of which one is better, one reason i believe InsertService might be better is its a way smaller mess but im not sure if it works 100% of the time
InsertService from what I know is not really meant for persistent storage. And towers and enemies should be managed by the server, InsertService is primarily for dynamic insertion of assets, whereas ServerStorage is optimized for holding and managing game assets over time.
But then again these are my opinions and you probably can still use InsertService.
can i play your tower defense game im interested!
The system might be a little outdated cs I made this system a while ago but here: just zombie - Roblox