How Do Tower Defense Reserved Servers Know What Kind Of Units The Players Have and How Do They Have Access to The Models?

Currently making a tower defense game. Was stuck on how reserved servers had the models of the unit the players had ready in the game. Then had an idea to fix this problem.

All the unit models will be posted into their own seperate package.

Then make a equipped units table in your data store module. and somehow get the package module id with the name of the unit.
example =

EquippedUnits = {
[“SwordsMan”] = 12345678 – swordsman package id,
[“Archer”] = 12345678 – Archer package id,
} – And so on

Then in the levels of the game we get the players datastore and EquippedUnits table, and by using a for loop we insert all of the packages using InsertService and place them in the ReplicatedStorage. Maybe have a folder for every single player and place the model inside the players folder. So when a player tries to place down a unit, the server will have access to the model.

Let me know if you see any flaws to this method or if you know a better way

They know the units because the data is stored in datastore which is then shared across all places of a universe. They have access to the models because they use the roblox “packages” feature.

So exactly the same as I said it?

Yes. Exactly like that. There are no better ways in doing this. (I didn’t read the post at first. Sorry.)

Thank you for your clarification.