How Do Update Player Movement On The Server?

I am currently coding a script that allows the player to fly. I have a few scripts that employ UserInputService to rotate and move the character. While these scripts work on the client side, I am having a problem with updating the client movement to the server.

I was able to successfully replicate all of the client’s movements to other clients using okeanskiy’s script here Server Side Head/Camera Movement (R6/R15) - Roblox (Remote Events and Tweening) - YouTube. Nevertheless, I would rather the players move on the server itself rather than just on each other’s clients (The server wouldn’t be able to track where the players are). However, this script did not work after I tried to use it on the server. This is because the script updates the position of a character’s HumanoidRootPart and putting it in a server script causes it to be constantly updated to ALL the clients (including the one who sent it), thus incessantly pulling the moving character back to the most recent fired value.

His script doesn’t have to be used, I’m just not sure how to efficiently replicate code that is constantly changing (such as player movement) to the server. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!