How do we make a wall running script on roblox

so I want to make a parkour game and I want to add certain movements, I am very new to scripting and would like to know how I could add a wall running script. For more detail I want to know how to make a wall running script similar to Karlson 3D and Roblox parkour (PARKOUR - Roblox)

If anyone could help like showing how to make a wall running animation and when next to the wall it plays the animation. I will try to answer any question for detail and examples


Hey there,
Scripting support is really meant for us to be able to help fix broken/unintended behaviors in code. It is quite difficult to explain how to do a full system, and while I have not looked at the game you linked, I’m sure it took some time for the developers to create. However, I have provided some resources regarding animations that may be of help. This article talks about the animation system as a whole: Using Animations | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub This API describes the Animation object and its related articles: Animation | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

If you have any other questions, let me know.

Good luck!


Thank you very much, and also I just got my membership on the dev forums today so I am still kinda new.


If you want a animation to load when someone touches a wall then do

local wall = script.Parent
local anim = script.Parent:WaitForChild("YourAnimationName")
debounce = false

      debounce = true
      if debounce == true then
      --load animation, look into scripting to do this because i dont really wanna do a whole for i,v 
      if not debounce == true then
      debounce = false

Thank you I will check this script out

Sorry if the spacing is incorrect, I wrote this on devforum so you may need to fix spacing :sweat_smile:


The last if statement is unnecessary unless you’re for some reason setting debounce to another data type. Otherwise, you can just set the variable to false.

You also shouldn’t have to use :WaitForChild on the server unless what you’re expecting isn’t there when the server starts.


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Yeah, I’m not the best scripter… Anyways @XxVampireConorxX do what Fifkee said. :sweat_smile:

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Quick tip:

Instead of doing:

if debounce == true then

You can just do:

if debounce then

Same thing to check if debounce is false, instead of doing:

if debounce == false then

You can just do:

if not debounce then

You can check this post out:

It may help.

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Wallrunning is especially difficult. I also recently started making a Parkour game and i found using Body Positions great in this case. I recommend using lookVector for Positioning.

I tried many Body classes but i found BodyPosition to work best for what i felt like fit.
I haven’t tried to create wallrunning yet although i think i’d go about using Raycasting to detect if there is a wall either at the left / right of the character. Using HumanoidRootPart as a base to cast them and detect.

If you’d like to check it out it’s Here

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I now have some more questions after adding the script
This is my script currently

local wall = script.Parent
local anim = script.Parent:WaitForChild(“wall run test”)
debounce = false

debounce = true
if debounce == true then
local animationTrack = humanoid:LoadAnimation(animation)
if not debounce == true then
debounce = false

a error appears

Error: (14,4) Expected ‘)’ (to close ‘(’ at line 5), got eof

eof is in the <> brackets an I am not sure what this error means

another question is where do I put the script, must be a local script, and should I put it in StarterPlayerScripts folder

If anyone can, please help

ok so in line 7 you need to do Humanoid:LoadAnimation(anim), and for line 8 you need to get rid of the numbers inside the brackets of Play(). Also you haven’t defined what has touched the wall, check if a child of the model has a humanoid, if so, load the animation. Hope this helps. Also that error might be because of your end structure, so try rewriting that, I didn’t write it on roblox studio so the end structure is probably the issue. This is supposed to be a script inside of the wall you have, serverscript also. :swag:

the way I am telling you to do this probably isn’t very efficient, just gives the effect of wall running. you probably want to do what @Snoopy1333 suggested when you get better at scripting.

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