how do you get the animations speed and weight to play based of the players speed? similar to robloxes default animations
so on the first game when your slowing down the animation will match
lmk if needs explaining
For the Animation Speed you could just do
LOADEDANIMATION:AdjustSpeed(Humanoid.WalkSpeed / StandardSpeed)
if you don’t want more than on decimal, you can just do this
local calculatedSpeed = math.round((Humanoid.WalkSpeed / StandardSpeed) * 10) / 10
i might be doing it wrong, i did
currentAnimTrack:AdjustSpeed(Humanoid.WalkSpeed / 16)
should it be run in a loop; like a renderstepped? or only once after the animations playued
Yes it should run in a loop, forget to say.
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i changed it a bit its closer to what am trying to do
currentAnimTrack:AdjustWeight(Character.HumanoidRootPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity.magnitude / 12)
idk if this is a good way to do it
am trying to get it so when you slowing down the animation eases with it