How do you add custom faces to rigs/npcs?

For a story game, I’d like to try add custom faces to my NPCs, but I don’t know how to do this. I’m thinking of kind of having faces attached like Royale High.

I have noticed that the faces are decals, and I have been experimenting with adding decals instead of faces, and it hasn’t worked.
Thank you for helping me!

So far for adding assets to my rigs, I have been using this:

game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset():GetChildren()[1].Parent = workspace
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Some people do custom faces by doing different sets of images.

For example, some people have four images for one face. And these images includes:

  • Eyebrows
  • Eyes
  • Nose
  • Mouth

Some people are also able to do shortcuts where they would take advantage of the decal’s custom coloring and just keep all of the face textures ink and all other colorable parts white for a more easy color customization.

Also you could also use a surface gui to make faces on rigs although personally I’ve never done that myself but that’s also another one.


Thank you! This is really good advice! Can you help me work out how to actually attach the face? I’ve been having heaps of trouble with this.

Try changing the regular face decal in your character’s head.


To do this, you need a custom made face. If you have one then upload it as a decal to roblox. Then open the character head and you will see a decal named face. Paste your ID in the textureId column. Then you have your custome face! Hope this helps.


Thank you! This did solve the problem! But I’m not sure if it is the app I used or something but this happened

I changed it to skin colour, but this happened, and all the colours went weird

I saved the face and uploaded it as a png, but is there a different format I should use? I will investigate my drawing app and try make it work again cause it has been playing up with PNGs recently. Thanks for your help!

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try setting the background to the face transparent before saving it to a png? this way no matter the skin tone, it wont show up white, and you wont have to make the same face with different bg colors.


Can’t you just make a face in some 3rd part software, then upload it to roblox, then put the decal on their on their head?

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Thanks! I did try this, but the app I use (Ibis Paint X) has been glitching a bit and when I save it as transparent, it doesn’t work. I’ll reupload it and try again!

I think its because your image size is a bit larger. The default roblox face image size is 128x128. Try resizing your image to 128x128 and reuploading it. Hope it helps!

Thank you! I will try this. Have you got any tips on how to do this on mobile? It’s fine if you don’t lol, but I do all my graphics on there.