Hello, I’ve been dabbling in studio for the past while, experimenting with ways to achieve different mechanics, and I am looking to turn my experiments into a game for the future. A thought had just crossed my mind about attempting to create a sort of kill-move, akin to something from For Honor, or the ‘killmove animations’ from TES:5 and whatnot. The first issue I’ve got, is that I do not know how to animate two rigs at once. Even if I do not end up making killmoves, I would still like to give it a try for anything in the future I may want to achieve.
As for “animating 2 rigs at once”, I mean that: I think this would look best if it were one single animation, playing on both R15 1.0 rigs. I have tried connecting Motor6Ds
between LowerTorsos and HumanoidRootParts to see if I could get both characters’ joints in the classic animator, but I can only ever get one set of joints. If absolutely necessary, it is entirely possible to simply animate the two characters separately, however that would both be hard to animate separately, and be hard to play both at the same time without latency issues. How should I go about dynamically connecting two characters’ joints in a way that I can play a single animation between the two of them, amidst the two moving around and fighting?
Secondly, while messing with joints to trying and figure this out, the problem of violence came to my mind as well. The stuff that I am passionate about working on tends to fit a more mature audience. I’ve done a little reading before on what is good, and what is not allowed, though I haven’t seen anything that appeared all that definitive. Right now, characters will ragdoll when killed. These corpses can be dismembered, and blood-decals will appear on the BaseParts, as well as be raycasted onto the ground beneath. There are no guts or bones or anything, just blood decals, though I would assume this by itself may be discomforting for the younger users that would eventually hop on. I can see statistics of the ages of users who play my games, so is there a way that I can obtain a user’s age ingame? If so, would automatically hiding/removing all blood decals via localscripts for any user detected to be say, <14y/o, be a valid method of keeping the blood without affecting younger users? If not, would having a toggle-able blood option be a good alternative? Also, I am not planning on these animations on being unnecessarily “brutal” by any means, just as an additional way to defeat someone. What I have now works essentially like TF2’s gore, however I do not have gibs, or guts, or bones. If crucial, the gore can be removed entirely of course, however I quite like it and would like to be able to keep it in.
Any information on either of these matters would be greatly appreciated!