The hardest thing would be not making the BillboardGui messes its size up.
What solutions have you tried so far? I have tried looking at posts around this subject, but only found auto-scaling for normal GUIs. Because of that, I am currently stuck on this behavior.
Using the TextBounds method, the Name BillboardGui size became an offset.
Is it possible for this to become scaled? This might not be the way to do it.
local nameLabel = script.Parent
local nameDisplayBillboard = nameLabel.Parent.Parent
nameDisplayBillboard.Size =
The TextScaled property would look very good. But, would there be a way to scale the BillboardGui up for it to fit the text? I am going to implement it into an RP name system. So the name string would be very long. Text here is too small.
You need to make the BillboardGui wider. When using the TextScaled property the text will grow to fit whichever axis allows the bigger size. As you can see in the image you sent, the text was as wide as the frame but much shorter than the frame because the size is bound by the smaller X axis. If you widen the frame by 2-3 times the text will have more room to grow and thus be taller (more readable).
Just change whatever X value you have for size to be 2-3 times the current amount. It’s only a suggestion though, you can change the X value to whatever you like best.