How do you avoid loops when scripting an Area Script

Is there any possible way that I can make an area script with Region3, or Raycasting without using loops? If so please explain if you know any ways, because I want to make my code as best as I can, thanks!

In what context? Does the area’s size/position constantly changes? Be more descriptive.

It’s an area so it would stay the same size / position as it would look in studio.

It’s not that clear what you want. If you can, provide us with screenshots or screen recordings with your current script that you’ve done along with the actual script as well.
But what I’m gathering is that you want to make triggers for when somebody walks into another area of the map?

Yes this is what I want, except without loops. I want to know if there’s a way to do this avoiding loops but using region3 or raycasting.

Events… I’m sure you want your game to be extremely optimized so if I were you, I’d rely on events like GetPropertyChangedSignal("Position") and stuff

Why would you still need loops for that? It’s just gonna stay as it is and will not dissapear.

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I assume he means detecting parts inside of those zones.

You could also use a Heartbeat event connection and also cap your updates to run at a lesser frequency. Generally, an area check doesn’t have to run on a frequency of 30 times per second. (standard for wait() as in a loop structure.)

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Makes sense, thought there were events for Region3 for this.

but I won’t use Region3 anymore for new works since it is deprecated due to its deprecation of functions.


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Region3 methods for finding parts in an area have been deprecated due to Roblox releasing their new spatial query api.

If you want, you can use ZonePlus.

I’ve made a response to someone wondering about spatial queries before, you here’s my response to that topic:

As for answering your question directly, you can’t avoid loops because, as my answer to the other topic stated, spatial queries do not “update”.

Use case? You should be trying to go for an event-based approach in as many scenarios as you can but it seriously depends on what you’re doing. If you’re using regions or raycasting to check a player’s presence somewhere then you require a loop regardless. Best way to keep an event-driven structure while having your function repeat is to use something from RunService.

While loops should be a whole lot more scarce and be used only when you actually need to use them, your code isn’t inherently bad for using them. You may be shooting yourself in the foot by deluding yourself into thinking that you can’t make your code “the best it can be” by using a loop. We don’t have a use case to work off of though so it’s hard to tell what you actually need here.

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@colbert2677 When you walk to areas it will display the name of the area and change the lighting to whatever settings you put it to. I want to know how to make the detection part efficiently since there will be a lot of players in the game and the detection will be done from the server.

If your area detection is purely for aesthetic or visual purposes you shouldn’t be using the server at all for this. If you do need to know the player’s area server-side because there’s some kind of tie-in to game mechanics then it might be a different story.

In either case, whether or not you need the server - which from what you gave me, you don’t - you are going to need a repetition of some kind to continually check the player’s current occupied space and if they’re present in a new area or not. I recommend RunService’s Heartbeat.

Heartbeat runs after physics simulation occurs in a frame so your aim here is to check the player’s coordinates after their positions have been updated for the frame on the client. My personal favourite way is to shoot a raycast downward a bit in Heartbeat and check if there’s an area part. If there is, then I check if the area part’s identity is different from the last area identity I checked; if it is then the player entered a new area and I accordingly change their surroundings.

Tapping into RunService as opposed to loops lets you maintain an event-driven system and raycasts are, if short, very computationally cheap. The engine internally already has raycasts going for different Humanoid features every frame.

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Touched event on each limb of the player’s character model?