How do you call this type of camera?

So I want to know how this type of camera is called?

so there is a way to make the camera smoother. so when you move your mouse to a location on the screen in first person, the camera eases in and not goes linear path.

here is a video explaining what I mean: camera video


It would probably be done using linear interpolation, which takes that linear path that the camera normally uses, and curves the linear path to make the camera move in a smoother way.

There is also someone else who asked this sort of question, so hopefully this helps


Yeah, there is. It doesn’t really have a name though, unless you’re referring to FreeCam.

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My way of doing it is making the camera scriptable, lock onto your head, and somehow make it moveable by using your mouse, and instead tweening it to a position.

The easy way, I don’t know. ;-;

The easy way is to edit the CameraModule. Just take a peek inside.