How do you change the gravity for only a player's character?

I want to set the player’s gravity as zero. By doing this in a local script and changing the workspace gravity, it makes it so that everything has that same gravity. I want to make it so that only the player’s character is affected by the gravity change rather than everything. I’m not sure how to do this

simpily manually add velocity to a player to change the grav

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How would I simulate zero gravity with velocity

For 0g you could set the player to massless

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Have you tried searching? A great tutorial by @okeanskiy. If you don’t wanna see it then use BodyForce. And set its force to the players mass by using :GetMass() on each of the players body parts. And then do Grade 1 maths to add the masses.

0,2472.119,0 Set this to the BodyForce’s force