How do you click through parts?

I want the player to be able to interact with click detectors behind a part (transparency = 1/ cancollide = false). how do I do this?

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I have remade something similar to what you made in studio, and I am unable to find a solution. Even with collisions off, I’m unable to click a click detector behind a part. My apologies.

May I ask, what is this for? It may be possible that an alternate solution can be found.

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I mean… you could put another part that acts like the clicking part except it’s in the middle of the translucent wall.

This is by far the worst suggestion I could possibly come up with though. Apologies…

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using a click detector im not sure. Ill look into it and get back to you. However, you can use raycasting and put the blocks you dont want to block the player in the FilderDescendantsInstances property for the raycast.

Edit: yeah dont think you can do this using click detctors


Thank you. I want to click the key inside the aquarium.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to find a solution to your problem.
My best advice to you is to put an invisible click detector over the glass, to give it the appearance that you’re clicking the key as demonstrated below:

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Uhh no?

You could create a localscript and

write this

game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().TargetFilter = game.Workspace.transparentpart

InvisibleWall.CanQuery = false


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