How do you detect dark dex?

But you say newer versions of Dex hide themselves from the explorer listing, and that that’s what mine is doing! How can mine be doing something that only new versions of Dex do, if it’s not a newer version of Dex?


But, we cant use that in a localscript. We’ll get the class security check (2) error since you’re doing game.CoreGui.

I’m proving that this Dex truly isn’t present in CoreGui.

Oh! it must be getnilinstances() maybe its just hiding in nil…but regardless…football and crystal and still detect the latest synapse Dex though?

Stop tryna prove false information, you won’t win.

Just because you are a Synapse exploiter that uses Dex from the built-in script hub doesn’t mean that other exploits and other versions of Dex don’t exist. This is not false information.

I am not trying to win. I am just trying to change your mind. You clearly have false pretenses about how Dex works and I wanted to help that. But you are not accepting anything that I say and are just accusing me of lying and spreading false information.


Oh! I have to tell you that, people won’t use any other Dex except the one that’s most convenient to them which is that one in the script hub. Unless they have to use a free one which in that case would use a lower-tier one, but I think he wants to put an emphasis on the dex in the script hub that every synapse user would use.

You can’t change my mind, I’ve been using dex for months, spent trying to create an anti cheat. I know how it works… If its not showing up in print then maybe that’s an effect of syn.protect_gui.

You know how your version of dex works. You cannot assert that Dex only works one way and that it can never be modified. This is a modified version of Dex. That should have been clear from the start, but let me reiterate: this one does not parent itself to CoreGui. It uses a special instance procured by the exploit that shows ScreenGuis, but can’t be detected or accessed by any in-game scripts.

Fine have it you’re way… Lets atleast learn the basics before trying to get into Dex Explorer. How would you detect guis being added into coregui?

Many ways:

  • game.DescendantAdded could fire for instances added to CoreGui.
  • game.DescendantRemoving could fire for instances removed from CoreGui (could happen if i.e. an instance gets removed from the game and Dex deletes its associated button in the GUI)
  • game.ItemChanged fires if any property of anything in the entire game changes, but binding to this event causes a deoptimization that causes the entire engine to slow down a fair bit. It’s also tough to identify whether the item change comes from Dex or something else in the CoreGui, so it’s not very useful.
  • Not a CoreGui attack, but there is LogService.MessageOut which fires for messages logged to console. Dex sometimes does warn('Version 6.0.0') or similar when it loads, which can easily be detected (unless it unbinds connections before logging that)

We will be trying game.DescendantAdded first, I’ve used this before but failed because coreguis get added and it kicks me. How would you detect guis being added that aren’t official?

Ah game.DescendantAdded! I know that’s the best but…It won’t detect the syn.protect(), but it can still help detect most other coreguis that arent protected. But how would you use that one to discern if a thing was an illegal gui into coregui and not a false positive?

It doesn’t matter, we should at least detect regular guis first.

I’m unsure I got stuck at that part.

Since you can’t do anything to instances under CoreGui, not even read their name, not much can be done in this regard.

Is there anything we can really do?? Except create a post about a new studio feature for limited coregui access.

You can attack other factors of Dex, like globals that it calls at runtime, properties being set on objects in your game, stuff being deleted, etc.

Dex / Synapse creates a new frame inside RobloxGui called NotificationFrame and a Dialog named Dialog in a unknown location in the game.(With some other junk most likely.) Which was a form of detection.

That would be Synapse creating the frame. It was patched some time ago.

Quite the opposite, it still exists but Roblox just patched the method of accessing coregui to know that the frame exists. So basically “patched”.

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