How do you detect dark dex?

its not using childadded in the script

Lets end this discussion here.

As already spoken, its impossible to stop any client sidded exploit. If a way to stop it was found, the devs of the exploit would just find a way to patch it.

Roblox doesn’t give much power to developers to really secure their games.


when have i specified it was in a serverscript (if i did it was accidental)

Roblox patched every method a few days ago.

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no, no they didnt patch every method

Ok, then what other “unpatched” methods are there?

Care to dm it to me? I’d like to know.

It no longer is available as Roblox has patched it, they are working against us.

Ah…well yk what they say…Prison Life is famous because people go there to learn how to cheat. I mean cheaters are players too in Roblox’s perspective. Imagine what prison life would be like without cheaters, it would’ve died out long ago. Somehow players tolerate the constant cheating and no updates there, so it’s really fascinating to see that games can survive with massive cheating too…

No, it’s that any method of ‘detecting’ dark dex requires breaching their security classes - which they have implemented for a reason. They’re not working against us, they’re patching bugs that allow people to access things with scripts that they’re not meant to.

Don’t bother trying to patch it. Some developers attempt to use methods such as checking if a client memory spike happens, etc - all of which can be bypassed.

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Ultimately, via getting the raw metatable index of the memory check, they can “bypass” such a check, but I will mention that there’s a way to know that someone spoofed/bypassed that and you can pre-secure it from such a bypass. Also, if you have a client-to-server communication via a ping to and from the scripts…with sufficient latency, you can also detect client-tampering of the localscript in that way, it only will have the drawback of affecting the extremely laggy player.

Ping to and from a local script can be spoofed. There are ways of detecting meta table hooks but again these can also be bypassed. There’s not really any method of clientside detection that can’t be bypassed.

Mmh true, hey but despite the fact that bypasses eventually get released to the public since most don’t code the cheats, only use them…Regardless, a game that has some client-sided anticheat system, hidden in a core localscript of a game will ward off more possible cheaters than one that neglects a client sided venue all together. It isn’t a full-proof that’s why many dislike investing time into it, but it can help curb some regardless.

Some games out there have a paywall and excellent client-sided anticheats (Rogue Lineage), while it cuts down the potential number of players, they greatly reduce the possibility of cheating because they set up a pay-wall, increasing the risk for the possible cheater. Client-sided anticheats that can accurately catch them doing any cheating or tampering would really have an impact in that case.

Prison life recently updated and patched (most) cheats.

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They could at least give us a official method of accessing coregui but not be able to touch the actual core guis and scripts.It would really help developers create anti cheats Roblox can’t themselves.

Exploiters can just draw their guis outside of the Roblox UI system, making it undetectable even with CoreGui


like 99% of exploiters are just script kiddies, I don’t think they would do that.


They still rely on others to write the scripts, so 100% that there’s gonna be ones who would do that.

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Advanced exploiters aren’t gonna go after the game if it isn’t popular.

That’s not 100% true. If an “advanced” exploiter, or really just an exploiter than knows anything about code, has a less popular game that they enjoy playing, what’s stopping them from writing their own scripts for it?

Also, in the case of exploit API for avoiding CoreGui, it’s not hard to update GUIs to work with it at all. You literally only need to change one line of code in most cases.

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