How do you detect unicode in strings?

I want to detect if a ban reason has unicode in it (as the way to ban someone is through Discord), so when I try to check the ban, it doesn’t break due to a unicode character, how do I detect this?

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        for char in string.gmatch(ustring, "([%z\1-\127\194-\244][\128-\191]*)") do
          -- something

According to the lua Guide on Unicode, this function will “iterate over UTF-8 sequences ([it] will simply skip over most invalid codes)”

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It still contains the unicode character in question

I still need help here


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try this code

local function isUTF8(a)
	for v1, v2 in utf8.graphemes(a) do
		if v1 ~= v2 then
			return true
	return false

local hasUnicode = isUTF8("â")
print(hasUnicode) --> true

hasUnicode = isUTF8("a")
print(hasUnicode) --> false

hasUnicode = isUTF8("aâ")
print(hasUnicode) --> true