How do you detect whether a player is using whisper or team chat in TextChatService?

I’m making a system where when you talk in team chat or whisper, your bubble is a different color, but I can’t seem to find any documentation about detecting when a message is sent using either of these.

Closest i’ve found is TextChatCommand.Triggered() but it doesn’t seem to fire and i don’t think it’s what i’m looking for.

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You might just be able to check if the message has /whisper in it when sent, If it doesn’t work then I have no idea :person_shrugging:

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When using /Whisper or /Team, you are put into a new text channel, just check if the current text channel is RBXTeam or RBXWhisper.

if string.find(message.TextChannel.Name, "Team") then
	print("Team Message")
elseif string.find(message.TextChannel.Name, "Whisper") then
	print("Whisper Message")

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