How do you display UGC limited information?

In some UGC games I’ve seen it displaying features of a ugc such as the max quantity and the current quantity remaining.

I’ve already seen a post on how to do it which lead me to this code

function updateugcstats()
	local template = workspace.Tv.Screen.SurfaceGui.Frame.Template
	local website = "" .. currentugcid .. "/details?itemType=Asset"
	local ugcinfo = httpservice:JSONDecode(httpservice:GetAsync(website))
	template.NameText.Text =
	template.QuantityText.Text = "Quantity "..ugcinfo.unitsAvailableForConsumption.."/"..ugcinfo.totalQuantity

However I get get the error of “HttpService is not allowed to access ROBLOX resources”.
So how would I do this with a proxy because I can’t find any api/proxy which allows me to do it.

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