How do you edit a json file?

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to edit a json file or website or something like that
  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    But i don’t know how
  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    Developer hub didn’t help
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What do you mean, edit a JSON file? From a website that is returned from HTTP service, or literally edit a file that is a JSON file?

From a website that is returned from HTTP service

Well the JSON is returned as a dictionary usually, so if you want to edit it, just create a copy of the table or edit it directly.

Im just trying to make a discord webhook bot dont know where editing a json file came up in my mind

I’m guessing that if you want to edit a json file then open it up with notepad

Discord webhooks, and pretty much any other form of data transfer using internet uses JSON.

What you have to do to edit the JSON is use HttpService and :JSONDecode and :JSONEncode.

That will transform JSON to/from a lua dictionary. Then edit it as a regular roblox dictionary

I already know that im just thinking of how to make the webhook bot send a message

Like @AvionicScript said, you have to either use :JSONEncode or :JSONDecode. You use decode if you already have a json file and want to transform it to lua. You use encode if you want to transform lua into a json file.

You are probably talking about UPDATE that is used to change json file but I think Roblox don’t have that feature yet (I hope it will come as soon as possible)