When you start a game, you, my fellow developers, probably do not just jump head-in. Most likely, you plan out the games and expand on their concept. However, not all ideas are viable, and I have experienced it in my relatively short time developing.
This being said, how do you guys do this evaluation? What criteria do you have to come to such a conclusion? What are the main priorities?
So far, my priorities are:
Does the idea seem engaging?
Can I execute it?
Is it something I can expand and update later on?
Is it profiteable or, at the very least, self sustainable?
I will be looking forward to reading your thoughts, and perhaps spark some discussion!
Forgive me for this novella of a reply lol. This is just a lot of what I think - the actual premise, or, tldr is in the next 3 lines:
Parsing. I agree with your priorities, but you must break them down into smaller problems to make a good plan.
Engagement is one thing, you must also consider (and I find this one of the most crucial parts of games today) replayability. Would people play this game and think “hey that’s pretty good I’m gonna play this again/with friends”, is the game just a one-trick-pony or does it actually have unique and extensive features? Can they complete everything in just a few days time?
Again, breaking down is all this question needs. While first, yes, you ask if you have the skills, then you must consider: Do you have the feeling that you will actually want to continue this later down the line? (If you have a team) Does my team have the resources and time to produce this game?
You have no idea how many games I’ve seen started, gone incredibly well until say a week from release or a new update, and then they drop it.
Now I have a different response for this: In one sense, you need to make sure your assets are organised too. Actually I’m pretty sure youre knowledgeable about this since you’re a programmer, but definitely don’t make spaghetti code and leave it thinking “it’ll be fine later” or “Ill do it later” cause if you make spaghetti code trust me you’re not updating the game without a few rewrites first lol.
In the other sense: Would people be able to have a small conversation about the game? Can I parse my ideas, does this lead to this and this; or does it just stop right there? Do I trust myself to keep working on the game?
And- well, actually, that parts pretty simple, what you said is really all you need to think about for profit.
Good luck with your game, I look forward to hearing about it!