How do you find inspiration to build?

Lately I have been finding it to be more of a task then something I enjoy. What do you guys do to have inspiration or a drive to keep building? I have been building for quite some time now and I have just hit a wall where I haven’t wanted to lately. Anyone else get like this?

I experience this a lot, mainly because I do most of my building alone and it gets repetitive at times. I usually just take a break from building and play games. While playing I observe buildings and take inspiration from that. However you would be more motivated to build if you worked on a project you were truly passionate about.

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That is true, I haven’t worked on a project for a group in a very long time. When I build nowadays it’s always solo.

I go on walks, not only does it clear my mind, I can see things that look cool to build. Next time you go on vacation, get as many photos, it helps me with inspiration for ideas. I still have pictures from years back that I go to for inspiration.

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Frankly, I can find inspiration in many places while traveling, when I go to school…
Sometimes I imagine myself as a famous developer.

If you need inspiration, you need to determine what kind of games you are talented at roblox.

Good Luck! :+1:t3: