How do you fix HumanoidApplyDescription Not applying to the Character

Hey, I want to make an fnf game that has 2 player animations such as Skid and Pump, I’ve already got everything working except this one bit. The issue is that when using Humanoid:ApplyDescription it won’t apply the character id to the Humanoid. I tried looking on the Developer Forum so I can find out what is my problem or what’s causing this error, The script has no Output errors, It just won’t apply. For this game, I use a Module Script outside the rig.

-local Humanoid = script.Parent.Handle.Humanoid
local playerID = 1654186551

The module Script (PropData) Gets Required when the game starts. So I don’t know what is causing this error.

I also tried putting a script inside the Handle then using this code block inside it:

local Humanoid = script.Parent.Handle.Humanoid
local playerID = 1654186551 

I don’t know how to use Module Scripts, I’ve never used them in my main projects or as an Experimental Project.

PS: Tell me if I wrote in the wrong topic!

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Use this function here LoadCharacterWithHumanoidDescription
Instead of HumanoidApplyDescription, putting the GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userid) as HumanoidDescription

Im cell, but i think it will work, if not, tell me what happened :slight_smile:

Don’t forget to put the

game.Players.CharacterAutoLoads = false

In first line

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I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say?

local Humanoid = script.Parent.Handle.Humanoid
local playerID = 1654186551

is that what you mean?

This is what error I’m getting

I got it working someone just the hats are a little bit off

ill fix the head!

Hello, im back! So, i mean that u need to do this:

  • First i suppose this script is a server script, so you’ll need an event to catch the player


----Lets make an event activated by a prompt in a local script  (just an example)

So, in a server script:

local Humanoid = script.Parent.Handle.Humanoid
local playerID = 1654186551 
local humanoidDescription = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(playerID)

Hey, I got it working the hats are just messed up.

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