Hey, I want to make an fnf game that has 2 player animations such as Skid and Pump, I’ve already got everything working except this one bit. The issue is that when using Humanoid:ApplyDescription it won’t apply the character id to the Humanoid. I tried looking on the Developer Forum so I can find out what is my problem or what’s causing this error, The script has no Output errors, It just won’t apply. For this game, I use a Module Script outside the rig.
-local Humanoid = script.Parent.Handle.Humanoid
local playerID = 1654186551
The module Script (PropData) Gets Required when the game starts. So I don’t know what is causing this error.
I also tried putting a script inside the Handle then using this code block inside it:
local Humanoid = script.Parent.Handle.Humanoid
local playerID = 1654186551
I don’t know how to use Module Scripts, I’ve never used them in my main projects or as an Experimental Project.
Use this function here LoadCharacterWithHumanoidDescription
Instead of HumanoidApplyDescription, putting the GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(userid) as HumanoidDescription
Im cell, but i think it will work, if not, tell me what happened
I don’t really understand what you’re trying to say?
local Humanoid = script.Parent.Handle.Humanoid
local playerID = 1654186551
Hello, im back! So, i mean that u need to do this:
First i suppose this script is a server script, so you’ll need an event to catch the player
----Lets make an event activated by a prompt in a local script (just an example)
So, in a server script:
local Humanoid = script.Parent.Handle.Humanoid
local playerID = 1654186551
local humanoidDescription = game.Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(playerID)